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To the attention of the authors of the scientific and practical journal "Ecological Sciences"!
The editorial staff of the journal "Ecological Sciences" invites all interested persons to publish their researches in the fifty eighth issue of the journal.
To post an article in the scientific and practical journal "Ecological Sciences" No. 58, it is necessary to fill out the online form of personal data by February 25, 2025 and send the article, drawn up in accordance with the requirements to e-mail Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра..
The editorial board of the magazine conducts an internal anonymous review of all articles and checking articles for plagiarism.
The articles are checked for plagiarism using the software developed by the Polish company
The review process can take up to 4 days.
The editorial staff reserves the right to reject articles of authors who do not comply with the requirements.
The editorial board may not share the ideological and scientific beliefs of the authors. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of quotations, surnames, references and facts contained in the text of provided articles.
The Editorial staff awards every published paper with DOI (digital object identifier).
After successful review, the author will receive payment details for the publication fee by e-mail.
The amount of funds for covering publishing charges is 1200 UAH for one article in volume up to 12 pages. In case of exceeding the volume of 12 pages, you will have an additional payment amounting 40 UAH for each additional article page. The publication fee covers the costs connected with articles editing, page planning as well as postal sending of printed samples.The publication fee covers the costs associated with review, proofreading and editing of articles, layout of the collection and placement of its electronic version.
The electronic version of the journal is timely placed in public access on the publication's website.
If desired, the author of the article can order a printed copy of the magazine. The cost of a printed copy is UAH 800, which must be paid in addition to the publication fee.
The distribution of printed copies is carried out exclusively within the borders of Ukraine!
Publication fee for foreign authors is $ 50. To receive payment details, please, contact editorial board of the journal.
The electronic version of the magazine will be posted on the website until April 30, 2025.
The printed version of the journal will be sent to authors of articles who order a printed copy after May 30, 2025.
The article should consist of the following sections:
- problem statement;
- topicality of the research;
- connection of the author's research with important scientific and practical tasks;
- analysis of recent researches and publications;
- the specification of previously unresolved parts of the general problem, the article is devoted to;
- novelty;
- methodological and scientific significance;
- presentation of the main material;
- the main conclusions;
- prospects for using the research results.
The article is drawn up in the text editor Word for Windows (font Times New Roman 14, line spacing 1,5).
Fields: the upper - 2.5 cm, the bottom - 2.7 cm, the left - 2.5 cm, the right - 1.5 cm. Pages are not numbered.
The text is performed in the following order:
- The UDC index is aligned to the left.
- The title of the article (all uppercase letters).
- First names, patronymics, and last names of the authors (in full)
- Degree and academic rank, place of employment, postal address, e-mail.
- Summary and key words in Ukrainian, English with the translation of the title and surname of the author(s) should be a minimum of 1800 characters.
- The main text of the article.
- Tables and illustrations are numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals. Notes to the table are given only in the text. Illustrations are signed below. Titles of the tables and the illustrations are centered.
- Drawings and photographs (black and white, with greyscale) are put in the main text of the article and are given additionally, as separate files in one of the following formats: TIFF, PCX, JPG, BMP, CDR.
- The list of quoted literature is composed according to the order of reference in the text. The word “References” is highlighted in bold type. Completing the list of references, it is necessary to follow the requirements developed in 2015 by the National Standard of Ukraine NSU 8302: 2015 “Information and Documentation. Bibliographic Reference. General Terms and Conditions of Drafting”.
Researches that are not properly drafted are not accepted for publication. The editorial staff reserves the right to make an editorial correction of the article.
It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list russian-language contributions published in any country, incl. papers written in other languages but published in russia and belarus.